Turning of the Page

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Perspective and Wording of My Story

Keep my mouth shut
Keep my thoughts to myself
Keey my opinon to myself
Know my place
Accept my lack of influence on his choices
Know that I am in no way allowed to stress over the unknown
Know that what I say doesn't  affect what choices are made
Keep my words to a minumum
My life is not a story that needs to have drama
(sounds negative and harsh)
Change Perspective and Wording...

Silence can be enlightening  
Meditating on myself can be enlightening 
Focus internally instead of externally
Be aware of my surroundings 
My choices are my own to make as are his 
Allow life to unfold and show itself before responding or reacting
My choices are just that, mine, and no one else's  
Be articulate without excess 
Create "My New Story" of my life and how I wish to live and love

(View Askew? Or set to a better view?)

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