Turning of the Page

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Said in Silence

There have been things done
            Things said
            Things in general
                        If there is any meaning to ‘general’
                        Then life’s day-to-day
                                    It fits the definition of ‘general’
            This day          that day           every day         any day           some day
Some days I feel more lost than others
            It is a path that I chose to take
                        Got part way down it and turned around
                                    Rushed back
                                    Trying to follow the bread crumbs
                                                The birds
                                                It must have been the birds
                                                            The loons
                                                They stole the crumbs
                                                Every last one of them
                                    Looking for clues
                                    Searching for the way home
                        The clouds threaten to wash away any trace
                                    Any hint          any bit or piece
                                    All those things that assist me
                        The breeze bleats for my haste
                                    Hurry               hurry               away                gone away
                        Mother Nature this thing I beg of thee
                                    Help me           help me           help me please
                                    Show me the way
                                                Steps to take
                                                            My way home
                                    Help me           help me           help me please
                                    Listen to my cries
                                                Hear my sighs
                                                            Know my regret for wrongs done
                                    Help me           help me           help me please
                                    The crumbs were stolen away
                                                Blown away
                                                            Gone without a trace
                                    Help me           help me           help me please
                                    Those words spoken
                                                Daggers of silence
                                                            Drain tears from my eyes
                        Mother Nature
                                    This I ask of you…what to do?
                                    Guide me where I need to go
                                    Lead me to where I need to be
By thee, Air
that is her breath
By thee, Fire
                                                                        that is her warmth
By thee, Water
                                                                        that is her life
By thee, Earth
                                                                        that is her body

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