Turning of the Page

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Deleted Scenes

Those who have been to the blog before may have noticed that many posts have disappeared, have been deleted, and exist no more. There is a reason for that and that reason is, they served their purpose, and now I am done with that purpose. What was is no more. What is is what it is. What will be? Well, that is something we will have to wait and see.
My tapestry has gone through a great deal and needed mending along the way. This blog helped with some of that mending and this blog caused some mending to need done. The needle and tread are put back in the sewing kit and the loom is working in a timely manner to show what the future has in store for me, one moment at a time.
What I post on this blog from now on will deal more with me and less with others in my life. What I post will still be personal and have to do with my life and how things are going, how I am feeling, and all those other things that make it well worth the read; however, it may take some awareness of the words to find the meaning and it may mean reading and rereading to truly understand what was read, because my blog will be full of metaphors, philosophy, and what ever suits my fancy at the time that does not cause undo stress to those that I love and care for. It is acceptable for me to put my life out there for the world to see but it is not acceptable for me to put others lives out there without their permission, so that will no longer occur. There is no need to put them under the magnifying glass at high noon just to see if they can feel the heat and recognize the source. Lessons have been learned all the way around.

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