Turning of the Page

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Taking a Turn

The road I have been traveling is full of curves and cliffs, some guard rails are in place, and parts are gravel and get kind of skiddish when I try to go too fast. After months of traveling along this road I have come to a turn that put me on a back road. I have had to slow down and keep a careful eye on my speed, keep an eye out for bumps and dips, and be mindful of my surroundings and respond appropriately.
Slowing down and being aware is not a bad thing, it is just a thing, an important thing. This road, this back road that I now travel, this is the road that leads to a destination that I want to reach. There are no guard rails along this road. There are steep cliffs that could be dangerous if I lose sight of my goal to reach my destination. I will have challenges as I continue with my forward momentum. Those challenges may seem bigger and badder than they really are some days, so it is up to me to make sure that I have the sense of mind to remember this and keep things in perspective.
Life is taking a turn. I am taking a turn. It is a long awaited turn. Where it leads is a partial mystery; partial because all I do know for sure is that I have company along the way and where ever it leads we will arrive there together.

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